Friday 11 October 2019

Yoga Image Attribution

1. Mountain Pose:

Tadasana by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

2. Downward Dog
downward dog by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

3. Warrior Pose 1
warrior two by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

4. Warrior Pose 2
warrior two by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

5. Tree Pose
tree pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

6. Bridge Pose
bridge pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

7. Cow Pose
Cow by Oleksandr Panasovskyi from the Noun Project

8. Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

9. Pigeon Pose
pigeon pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

10. Child Pose
child's pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

11. Chair Pose
Chair Pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

12. Cat Pose
cat pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

13. Corpse Pose
corpse pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

14. Garland Pose
malasana by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

15. Happy Baby Pose
happy baby pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

16. Plank
plank by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

17. Side Plank
side plank by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

18. Staff Pose
Staff Pose by dDara from the Noun Project

19. Forward Fold

20. Sphinx Pose
sphinx pose by dDara from the Noun Project

21. High Lunge
high lunge by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

22. Low Lunge
Low Lunge by Soodam Elesti Lee from the Noun Project

23. Half Forward Fold
yoga by Bob Holzer from the Noun Project

24. Triangle Pose
trikonasana by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

25. Gate Pose
yoga pose by dDara from the Noun Project

26. Half Lord of the Fishes
half lord of the fishes pose by Soodam Elesti Lee from the Noun Project

27. Half Moon Pose
half moon by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

28. Downward Dog Split
ardha adho mukha svanasana by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

29. Upward Facing Dog
upward dog by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

30. Hero Pose
virasana by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

31. Bow Pose
Yoga Pose Asana by Oleksandr Panasovskyi from the Noun Project

32. Camel Pose
Camel Pose by @w@n  !cons from the Noun Project

38. Lotus Pose
yoga by Bob Holzer from the Noun Project

34. Eagle Pose
Eagle Pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

35. Plow Pose
plow pose prep by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

39. Shoulder Stand
supported shoulder stand by @w@n  !cons from the Noun Project

37. Wide Legged Forward Fold

Prasarita by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

38. Upward Plank
upward plank by dDara from the Noun Project

39. Reverse Warrior Pose
reverse warrior by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

40. Warrior 3 Pose
Warrior Three by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

41. Dolphin Pose
dolphin pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

42. Extended Hand to Toe Pose
yoga by Elizabeth Fuqua from the Noun Project

43. Rabbit Pose
yoga pose by dDara from the Noun Project

44. Lizard Pose
lizard pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

45. Seated Angle Pose
Seated Balance by Elizabeth Fuqua from the Noun Project

46. Sage Pose
sage pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

47. Fish Pose
yoga pose by dDara from the Noun Project

48. Crab Pose
crab pose by dDara from the Noun Project

49. Little Thunderbolt Pose
yoga pose by dDara from the Noun Project

50. Dancer's Pose
Dancer Pose by dDara from the Noun Project

51. Firefly Pose
firefly pose by dDara from the Noun Project

52. King Pigeon Pose
Yoga Pose Asana by Oleksandr Panasovskyi from the Noun Project

53. Peacock Pose
peacock pose by dDara from the Noun Project

54. Shoulder Pressing Pose
yoga pose by dDara from the Noun Project

55. Scale Pose
Scale by dDara from the Noun Project

56. Handstand Scorpion Pose
bhuja vrischikasana by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

57. Scorpion Pose
scorpion pose by dDara from the Noun Project

58. Headstand

headstand pose by dDara from the Noun Project

59. Wheel Pose

Wheel pose by dDara from the Noun Project

60. Boat Pose

Boat Pose by dDara from the Noun Project

61. Crow Pose
crow's pose by Soodam Elesti Lee from the Noun Project

62. Handstand

handstand by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

63. Monkey Pose
monkey pose by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

64. Archer's Pose

archer pose by dDara from the Noun Project

65. Side Crow Pose

bakasana by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project

66. Eight Angle Pose
yoga pose by dDara from the Noun Project

67. Ear Pressure Pose
yoga pose by dDara from the Noun Project

68. Low Plank
Plank Pose by dDara from the Noun Project